SAN Tech, Training young Rwanda IT professionals

SAN Tech, Training young Rwanda IT professionals

72% $4,320 Achieved Achieved


Funding Target ㅣ$6,000

D-77 2024-05-22is the last day


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Impact Employment 30% Human Rights 10% Education 60%
Impact CategoryPoint
Human Rights10
S.T Rwanda
Impact Employment Human Rights Education


I'm Claudine, co-founder of SAN Tech Ltd, who provides IT education and internship programs for Rwanda youth. I started SAN Tech Ltd because I want to provide IT education and internships where participants, who are passionate about solving social problems, can realize their ideas by themselves.
Along with raising interest in IT recently, there have been many IT educational programs and school classes in Rwanda. More and more young people are trying to solve social problems with IT.

However, due to the lack of practical IT education, as many as 140,000 young Rwandans are having difficulty getting a job and starting a business. According to the 2020 International Labor organization's Rwanda Youth Job Report, 3 out of 10 Rwanda youth in their 20s are unemployed. Youth unemployment is becoming a serious social problem because it causes other social risks such as poverty and crime. So, providing practical IT education is urgently needed to solve the youth unemployment issue in Rwanda.

When I was at University, I was looking for an internship to develop my programming skills to create social innovation projects in the future. However, it was not easy to find an internship itself. I was finally selected for the internship program, but there was no opportunity to learn practical IT skills. So, I thought about it. "Let's create my own company and provide internships and practical IT education for young people with social innovation ideas!" That is how SAN Tech's challenge began.

After graduating from university, I started a company with some like-minded friends who have a passion for social innovation with IT. We have established a training hub and have provided IT education and internship for young people to realize their innovative ideas since 2021. SAN Tech Internship is a program that allows participants to make their ideas into projects based on the IT education they learned at school.  Since SAN Tech mentors create projects with interns as partners, they can learn practical IT skills independently.
My internship with SAN Tech Ltd has been a great blessing to have. I have been paired with a phenomenal mentor who has guided me through this academic internship. I believe everyone should do an internship because it is a great opportunity to apply the knowledge you gained in school to a professional work setting. This opportunity has given me a chance to see if what I am studying is really what I want to do with my degree
– Daniel KAJUGA, Internship beneficiary
We are helping the internship participants continue their interest in the IT field by developing their programming projects. SAN Tech also provides career counseling after the IT education and internship programs. So that participants can continue their careers.
As a result, six people participated in the internship program, and three of them are working together at SAN Tech right now. Furthermore, there are more than 50 graduates of the training hub. We will continue to work with other institutions to provide internship and practical IT education to the more young generation. In particular, SAN Tech strives to provide practical IT education and internship programs to women. So, they can overcome gender discrimination and become female IT experts in Rwanda.
Rwanda's COVID-19 lockdown began in March 2021, and all institutions were closed. We also had a lot of difficulties when I started SAN Tech in this circumstance. However, I couldn't give up providing jobs to young people and helping them solve various social problems. Still, as the COVID-19 situation is gradually stabilizing, more and more people are coming to the internship program and training hub. We need new educational spaces and equipment.
Please participate in Impact Donation
so that Rwanda youth can change 
the world with social innovation!
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    Event Donation Participants


    이나연,이용원,박정원,Anonymous (private),Anonymous (private),손혜린,서영은,양다현,Anonymous (private),김시성,Anonymous (private),Anonymous (private),전평안,최성은

    이번 제 생일에는 특별한 선물을 부탁합니다.

    먼저 제 인생을 가르침으로 가득합니다. 

    부모님의 가르침, 학교 선생님들의 가르침 등 많은 것을 배우고 또 나눌 수 있었기에 지금의 제가 있지 않았나 생각합니다. 

    저는 미래에 누군가에게 동기부여를 할 수 있고, 또 롤모델이 될 수 있는 사람이 되고 싶습니다. 

    또한 지속가능성에 대해 공부하고 탐구하여 아프리카, 아시아 등 전 세계에서 교육을 받지 못하는 아이들을 위해 

    일하고 싶다는 생각을 가지고 있습니다. 모든 것의 핵심인 교육이 전세계 사람들이 누릴 수 있는 권리가 되면 좋겠습니다.

    저의 꿈을 위해 생일 축하를 위해 이 이벤트 기부에 참여해주시면 감사하겠습니다. 

    히브리서 13:16

    오직 선을 행함과 서로 나눠주기를 잊지 말라 이같은 제사는 하나님이 기뻐하시느니라


    Anonymous (private),김민환,이재숙,Anonymous (private),Anonymous (private),Anonymous (private)

    2004년 음악선교 지원하러 처음 갔고(아래 3장), 2018년 KOICA ICT혁신센터 전문가로 갔던 르완다 사진(위 3장)입니다.

    59번째 생일을 맞이하여 작년에 이어 더브릿지 르완다 프로젝트에 기부 이벤트로 함께 축하하고 싶어요^^

    카카오 선물 대신 기부로 기쁨을 같이 해 주시면 너무 감사해요^^ 기부해 주신 당신 사랑합니다!!!!


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    S.T 님의 자립 프로젝트가 시작되었습니다.

    임팩트 기부로 좋은 가치를 사회에 전달해보세요! :)

    응원 프로젝트 소식


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